You’re in a need to replace some cables? We can definitely help you by mainly guide you in the vaste options of hardware available. We do swage for wire from 1/16’’ to 3/8’’. We can also help for your architectural project.
Any sails can be repaired. The main question remain if it’s worth it. We evaluate your actual sail, the needed repairs, how many season you could still benefit from, the value of it and if needed, we give you an estimate for a brand new one.
You have a special project in mind, some shades, outdoor screen projection and even an artistic 'once in a lifetime' crazy idea, we’ll help realize that fantasy. Through our +50 different suppliers, we’re sure that we can find the material needed and help you realize your project.
There’s a certain kind of splice that exist, well that means we can do it ; on synthetic rope, braided, parallel core or 3 strands and even linking them to a SS wire. But most importantly, once we know the exact job you need to do, we can put our experience to your advantage and propose you the best solution possible. We also keep a great inventory of lines and ropes that will surely respond to your needs.